Romanian National Party organization activity in the period 1919-1922.
Hunedoara County
Autor: Marin Pop
Cuvinte cheie: Partidul Naţional Român, organizaţie, judeţul Hunedoara, alegeri parlamentare, Aurel Vlad
Keywords: Romanian National Party, organization, Hunedoara County, parliamentary elections, Aurel Vlad
Anul 1918 a însemnat pentru Partidul Naţional Român îndeplinirea obiectivelor pentru care a luat fiinţă. S-a reuşit unirea tuturor românilor într-un singur stat naţional unitar. În mod fericit acest ideal al P.N.R. corespundea, în totalitate, cu cel al poporului român. Partidul păşea în România Mare cu o largă bază socială, care îi permitea să se mişte pe aproape întreaga scenă politică şi cu un mare capital politic. Liderii săi erau căliţi în lupta naţională.
Organizaţia P.N.R. din judeţul Hunedoara rămânea una puternică, dar se observă o retragere din prima linie a partidului a preşedintelui organizaţiei, Aurel Vlad, şi apariţia unor conflicte în cadrul organizaţiei, care, în cele din urmă, se vor aplana. Începea o perioadă de lungă opoziţie, până în anul 1928, când, după fuziunea cu Partidul Ţărănesc şi crearea, în 1926, a Partidului Naţional-Ţărănesc, era chemat la putere.
The year 1918 meant for the Romanian National Party objectives for which it was founded. He managed the union of all Romanians into one single national state. In this ideal of happy P.N.R. corresponded fully with that of the Romanian people.
Greater Romania Party walked in with a broad social base, which allowed him to move on almost the entire political scene and a great political capital. Organization P.N.R. Hunedoara County has also made contribution to the Great Union. Was present, through his delegates, the great national feast. The Governing Council, political leaders have been appointed Hunedoara important functions. Aurel Vlad received from the Finance portfolio and that of Victor Bontescu Agriculture and Trade. Hunedoara County is one of the biggest counties in Transylvania and Banat sent to the Romanian Parliament, the electoral law for Transylvania and Banat, adopted in Sibiu, the Grand National Council, no fewer than 14 deputies and five senators. Most candidates P.N.R. parliamentary elections in November 1919, first in the Greater Romania were elected according to art. 46 of the electoral law, with no rival. Only a few games of the Old Kingdom had branches in Transylvania and Banat, and the Socialists and averescanii have decided to boycott the elections.
Hunedoara political leaders Aurel Vlad and Victor Bontescu received important portfolios in the first government of united Romania, Alexandru Vaida Voevod led Transylvania.
Unfortunately, the internal elections of 1920 the NRP observed the lack of Aurel Vlad and other political leaders of the Central Executive Committee Hunedoara, the forum’s governing party, although by that time Aurel Vlad acting as secretary general. In parliamentary elections in 1920, although he was 9 circumscripţii the House and the Senate in May, the organization PNR failed to send any representative in Parliament of the country. The same thing happened in the parliamentary elections in March 1922. The reason attributed to the leaders of Hunedoara were huge electoral fraud and abuse of government officials who organized the election.
In conclusion, it can be said that partial elections, as the general period 1919-1922 had a special stake. In particular in 1922, was announced as the new Parliament and considered by liberals as a Constituent Assembly, which had the task to draft a new constitution. In this respect, he needed two thirds of the number of MPs, which led to the use of all means to achieve this objective election. Another conclusion would be that P.N.R. had yet political monopoly in Transylvania and Banat, was voted by the majority ethnic Romanian electorate. Liberals, although they were subordinate local administration had not managed yet to organize branches in the provinces strong. Organization P.N.R. Hunedoara County remains strong, but there is a retreat from the forefront of the party organization’s president, Aurel Vlad, and the emergence of conflicts within the organization, which eventually will settle. Began a long period of opposition, until 1928 when, after the merger with the Peasant Party and the establishment in 1926 of the National Peasant Party, was called to power. In fact, entry into opposition P.N.R. began on March 12, 1920 when he was dismissed unfairly, the first government of Greater Romania, led by Alexandru Vaida Voevod.