Polixenia Georgeta Popescu
Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal, Sibiu
Cuvinte cheie: ceramică neolitică pictată, situl arheologic Porţ – Corău, bitum natural, gudron din coajă de mesteacăn, GC- MS, cromatograme şi spectre
Keywords: Neolithic painted ceramic, Porţ – Corău archaeological site, natural bitumen, birch bark tar, GC-MS, chromatograms and spectra
În articol sunt prezentate aplicaţii ale cuplajului GC-MS (cromatografie de gaze cuplată cu spectrometrie de masă) în analiza stratului de culoare neagră, lucios, de natură organică, foarte bine conservat, cu care sunt decorate fragmentele ceramice neolitice din situl arheologic Porţ – Corău.
Applications of Spectral Analysis Methods in the Characterization of Archaeological Painted Ceramics with a Black Colored Layer
The paper is focused on the GC-MS (gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry) technique analysis applications for the characterization of the black layer, shiny, of organic nature, very well preserved, with which are painted the Neolithic ceramic fragments from the archaeological site of Porţ – Corău.
The samples (weight is about 1 mg.) used for analyses were collected from the black layer on the surface of the ceramic fragments.
GC-MS analysis results were correlated with data obtained by other methods of analysis, FT-IR and optical microscopy, confirming that the composition of the black layer is a mixture of birch bark tar with natural bitumen, birch bark tar being the predominant component.
The results of the analysis had a special importance and were of great utility for both archaeological research and museums for the activity of restoration and preservation of artifacts.