The Orthodox Church in the Orăştie county during the First World War
Autor: Marius Bârlianu
Cuvinte cheie: Orăştie, biserică, război, preoţi, credincioşi
Keywords: Orăştie, church, war, priests, parishioners
În timpul Primului Război Mondial, protopopul ortodox şi preoţii din zona Orăştiei au desfăşurat o bună activitate pe tărâm bisericesc, şcolar, administrativ, dar şi politic. În mare măsură, datorită eforturilor lor, credincioşii din zona Orăştiei au reuşit să treacă peste efectele avute de conflict asupra acestui perimetru geografic. Cert este că în ciuda multor dificultăţi, care acum vin şi din interiorul parohiilor, clerul din protopopiatul ortodox Orăştie a reuşit să reprezinte în continuare legătura firească între credincioşi şi forurile bisericeşti
Compared to the previous period, the Orthodox Archpriestship in Orastie had to face the most terrible pressure from the Hungarian state between 1914 and 1918. Starting with the First World War, the situation of the Orthodox Archpriestship in Orastie was similar to the one existing in the entire Transylvania, the requisitions, war expenses, loans and collections having negative outcomes for the communities relying on the value of the land. The rural communities were surpassed by the obligations imposed by the conflict, but they showed solidarity with one of the Romanian institutions already considered traditional, the Church.
During the First World War the Archpriestship and the priests around Orastie carried out a good activity at a church, educational, administrative and political level. Due to their efforts, the parishioners around Orastie managed to overcome the effects of the First World War upon this land to a great extent. It is certain that despite many difficulties, which now come from the interior of the parishes as well, the priests belonging to the Orthodox Archpriestship of Orastie have managed to continue representing the natural connection between believers and church forums.