Picture postcards – a promoter of culture and history
Autor: Ionela Simona Mircea
Cuvinte cheie: cartofilie, carte poştală ilustrată, vedere, colecţie, colecţionari
Keywords: cartofilie, postcard, picture card, collection, collectors
Timpul, pe lângă faptul că a menţinut cartea poştală ca mesager al cuvântului, a transformat-o şi într-un veritabil document de epocă, fixând în acea bucăţica de carton viaţa reală, depunând mărturia sa pentru a contempla, studia, analiza trecutul, pentru că, incontestabil, indiferent de conjuncturalul vremelnic, cartea poştală, pe lângă celelalte rigori, întotdeauna a interesat ca imagine. Muzeele dispun la ora actuală de bogate colecţii de carte poştală, multe dintre acestea insuficient valorificate istoric, artistic, social, economic, etc. Studiul de faţă se doreşte o pledoarie în favoarea cercetării istorice şi cu ajutorul cartofiliei care ne poate oferi satisfacţii nebănuite.
Time, besides being maintained postcard as a messenger of the word, and turned it into a genuine antique document, setting in that piece of cardboard real life, submitting testimony to contemplate, study, analyze the past, for that undoubtedly any temporary conjuncturalul, postcard, in addition to other hardship, always interested in the image. Image author, photographer, painter, illustrator, or just the artist, still considered an act witnessed cultural reality shared with others. In a concise postcard tells us about events, people, cities, leaving an open window to the world history and culture.
Museums currently have rich collections of postcards, many of them insufficiently historical, artistic, social, economic, etc. The present study is to be a case for historical research and help we can give cartofiliei unexpected rewards. For this, priority is some information on the postcard and the possibilities of evaluation, acquisition, collecting, recovery and promoting interdisciplinary postcards.
Cartofilia modern plays an important role in visual memory restitution Community component of our identity as necessary to assess the present and shape the future through an appeal to the past. Cartofiliei field is not only a fascinating but especially handy. Are interesting both public and private collections of picture card. Beyond the aesthetic satisfaction, and financial information they provide, these collections have a pattern of role of personalities and characters. Cartofilia is therefore a financial investment, historical and tourist information, advertising and promotion, but an investment in training and human education.