Câteva bronzuri figurate romane de la Sucidava-Celei

Some Roman figurines of Bronze from Sucidava-Celei

Autori: Dorel Bondoc, Mirela Cojoc

Cuvinte cheie: figurine din bronz, Sucidava-Celei, epoca Romană, zeiţa Ceres, zeiţa Venus

Keywords: figurines of bronze, Sucidava-Celei, Roman period, goddess Ceres, goddess Venus

In the Roman period, Sucidava-Celei was a very important economical, administrative and military centre (fig. 1). It was identified due to a famous inscription (fig. 2) and in the antiquity it was the centre of a territorium. The archaeological excavations made by a team led by Prof. Dumitru Tudor determined the limits and the phases of the civillian settlement (fig. 3) and revealed a late military fortification (fig. 4).

The archaeological discoveries are impressive: inscriptions and sculptural pieces, pottery, iron objects, bone objects, bronze objects, coins and monetary treasures, lamps, glass objects, lead objects, etc.1. The number of fragments of bronze statues2 and bronze figurines3 is smaller, and this article brings a modest contribution in this respect.

The few pieces, which will be presented below, were discovered during the archaeological excavations in Sucidava, inside the early Roman layers.

Articolul de faţă reprezintă o modestă contribuţie la bronzurile romane de la Sucidava-Celei. Este vorba despre patru piese descoperite în anii trecuţi, în nivele romane timpurii. Concret, avem o reprezentare a zeiţei Ceres, o reprezentare a zeiţei Venus, o reprezentare de gladiator şi o reprezentare miniaturală de spadă.

1 For all these, see Tudor 1938, p. 387-422; Tudor 1941, p. 359-400; Tudor 1948, p. 145-208; Tudor 1953, p. 693-742; Tudor 1965; Tudor 1966; Tudor 1974; IDR, II, p. 197-214; Tudor et alii 1980, p. 357-363.

2 Bondoc 2000, p. 41-46.

3 Ţeposu-Marinescu, Pop 2000, pass.

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