Contribuţii la reconstituirea paleomediului comunităţilor Vinča din bazinul mijlociu al Mureşului. Consideraţii asupra unor noi amprente vegetale descoperite în situl de la Limba – Vărăria

Contributions to the reconstruction of the paleoenvironment of the Vinča commnities in the middle Mureş Bassin. Some considerations concerning some vegetal imprints discovered at Limba-Vărădia


Beatrice Daisa

Marius Mihai Ciută

The present paper deals with the problematic advanced by the discovery of some tree leaves imprints on burnt clay fragments, belonging to a burial clay structure (M2/2001) from the Neolithic site (Vinča culture) of Limba-Vărăria (Alba county, Ciugud village) (fig. 1).

After the presentation of some theoretical aspects concerning the palaeoetnobotany methodology, the authors describe the context of discovery and the pieces found there (burnt clay fragments with plant imprints). Based on the morphological comparison, the imprints have been identified as belonging to the following tree species: black alder (Alnus glutinosa, genus Alnus;fam.Betulacee; fig. 2 a-c)and oak (Quercus robur, genus Quercus; fig. 3a-c), thus confirming the existence of weak essence, specific for the Mureş river meadows and characteristic for wet and warm, rich in precipitations, climate, which was probably common in Middle Neolithic times.

The palaeoetnobotanical analyses in the Neolithic sites from the Mureş valley may bring important contributions to the reconstruction of the environment, daily life, economical strategy and main occupations of Neolithic peoples.

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