Contribuţii la repertoriul arheologic al judeţului Cluj.



Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca 

Cuvinte cheie: cercetări de teren, judeţul Cluj, puncte inedite, eneolitic – medieval

Keywords: field surveys, Cluj County, unpublished points, Eneolithic – Medieval

În acest articol am semnalat câteva puncte noi din judeţul Cluj, unele de interes arheologic major, descoperite în urma cercetărilor de teren personale din perioada 2008 – 2014. Pe lângă punctele inedite, am propus şi datarea altor câtorva situri, cunoscute de mai demult în literatura de specialitate, dar care nu au putut fi datate la acea vreme sau care au fost datate incorect sau incomplet. Punctele sunt prezentate pe scurt, în ordinea alfabetică a localităţilor aparţinătoare şi în ordine cronologică în cazurile în care am semnalat mai multe puncte în aceeaşi localitate.

Contributions to the Archaeological Repertory of Cluj County


This paper briefly reports on several new archaeological points within the Cluj County, discovered during personal field surveys conducted between 2008-2014. Alongside the unpublished points, the dating of several other sites is proposed. These were previously mentioned in the archaeological literature, but could not be dated at that time. The archaeological points are being presented in the alphabetical order of their location and, in the case where several points are reported in the same location, these were presented in chronological order. The sites belong to different ages, starting with the Eneolithic (Tiszapolgár culture – no. 4a, 5, 7; Coţofeni culture – no. 1, 3, 4a, 4b, 6, 9a, 9b, 10b, 12a, 12b), Bronze Age (Copăceni group – no. 1, 4b, 10b?, 12b; Wietenberg culture – no. 4c, 7, 10b, 13, 15), Early Iron Age (Gáva culture – no. 3, 4d, 8), Late Iron Age (La Tène C2 – no. 3, 4d; La Tène D – no. 12c, 14), Roman Age (no. 2) and Medieval Age (no. 11).

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