Contribuţii la repertoriul arheologic al judeţului Hunedoara. Descoperiri recente pe raza comunei Turdaş

Contributions to the archaeological repertoire of Hunedoara county.

Recent discoveries on Turdaş communal territory

Autor: Antoniu Tudor Marc

Cuvinte cheie: cultura Turdaş, bronz târziu, ceramică, con funerar, mormânt.

Keywords: Turdaş Culture, Late Bronze Age, pottery, funerary pine, grave.


Cu prilejul introducerii reţelei de alimentare cu apă a localităţilor componente ale comunei Turdaş, s-a urmărit traseul şanţurilor pentru conducte, constatându-se că, pe alocuri, au fost scoase la suprafaţă, în urma excavaţiilor, materiale arheologice constând în ceramică şi piese litice. Cele mai multe puncte cu astfel de descoperiri nu au intrat încă în literatura de specialitate, făcând obiectul articolului de faţă. Materialele recuperate provin din locul „După Gară”, localitatea Turdaş, aparţinând epocii neolitice, din două puncte de la intrarea şi de la ieşirea din localitatea Spini, aparţinând epocii romane şi din locul „La Grivoni”, localitatea Râpaş, aparţinând perioadei bronzului târziu.


In spring 2008, was executed an amount of linear trenches for water supplies, along the roads connecting the villages of Turdaş Commune. In the excavated earth, we found a lot of archaeological materials, consisting specially in fragmental pottery and few lithic pieces. The discoveries were placed in four different locations, on the territory of Turdaş, Spini and Râpaş villages.

At Turdaş, “După Gară” place, were found pottery and burned clay structure fragments, a fragmentary clay weight for fishing nets and a fragment of an anthropomorphic figurine. The pottery is decorated with incised motifs and undecorated and the bottom of one pot is marked with a short incised line. These above attest that the Neolithic Turdaş culture settlement covers a larger area, “La Luncă” place, yet known and this one.

At Spini, the discoveries were made in three points situated at “Păşunea Şcolii” place and at the way out toward Deva. In the first point was found a funerary pine and fragmental roman pottery which indicates a cemetery or a grave from the roman period. In the last two points, the trenches cut two walls made from river stone and quarry stone, both assembled with earth, build probably in the same period.

At Râpaş, “La Grivoni” place, situated on a high terrace, were found many pottery fragments and three lithic pieces: one small flint blade and two fragments from siliceous stones. The main pottery is from the period of the late Bronze Age and the beginning of Hallstatt A. There are present typical forms of vessels: “storied” vessels, vessels with biconic or rounded bodies, bowls with shaped form, cups, mugs and “sack” vessels. The ornaments are also specific to those time pottery: incised garlands and arcades alternates with vertical lines, horizontal mouldings with alveolae. These allow us to place the material only chronological. The cultural affiliation is still uncertain, even after decades of discussion, the scholars haven’t came to a common point of view.

The discoveries presented here, let us to point new sites on the archaeological map of Hunedoara County.

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