Corespondenţa lui Francisc Hossu Longin păstrată în arhiva mureşenilor din Braşov

Francisc Hossu Longin’s correspondence keeped in Mureşenilor’s Archive from Braşov (I)

Autor: Valer Rus


Mureşenilor’s Archive from Braşov contains 36 letters sent by Francisc Hossu Longin to Mureşianu family. The article contains the transcription of the first ten.

18 january 1876. Francisc Hossu Longin (afterwards F.H.L.) informs about his subscription to “Gazeta Transilvaniei” (afterwards G.T.), apreciated an “national duty”. He follows the example of G.T. in making his articles from “Gura Satului”. F.H.L. is critic about the political position of Vincenţiu Babeş. Also he is blaming bishop Meţianu which demands from his faithfuls to subscribe to “Albina” through his popes.

18 july 1887. F.H.L. condemns Slavici for his political atitude against some romanians political leaders. He writes about the conferece from Sibiu. Critics about “Tribuna”. About the elections from Baia de Criş won by Emeric Holloly. About the hungarian justice which is subjective.

8 december 1887. About the visit of Aurel Mureşianu in Deva and the good impression created on city’s establishment. He is expected again to visit Deva.

11 april 1892. Congratulations for last political articles. About an political gathering organized by F.H.L. in february, followed by weak results. About new elections in Deva. Disappointed by romanian office workers, threatened by authorities.

3 december 1892. Congratulations for the articles against the religious leaders from Blaj. About the interference of catholicism in greek catholic church life. About the “Tribuna” and his agressiv atitude. About new elections in Deva congregation. All the winners are hungarians with the exceptions of George Bardosi. About the neutral position of romanian popes in political fights.

2 january 1894. F.H.L. prepare a visit at Sibiu. There will be an meeting of the Central Comittee of Romanian National Party from Hungaria. He invite Aurel Mureşianu to be one of the lawyers in the memorandum trial. About the hungarisation of romanian settlements names. Missing one page.

3 january 1894. F.H.L. arrives at Sibiu. About the meeting of the Central Comittee of Romanian National Party from Hungaria. The members are angry on Popovici and Brote.

24 march 1894. Aurel Mureşianu is expected at Băseşti. About a new gathering of the congregation. About the position of “Tribuna”. F.H.L. is defending himself by some charges.

16 september 1894. F.H.L. accompany George Pop of Băseşti in his travel to Vaţ, where George Pop must spent two years in jail. F.H.L. receive some political charge from the Central Comittee of Romanian National Party from Hungaria. He find good solidarity in Cluj, Lugoj, Arad. He work hard at Băseşti instead of his father in law, George Pop. That is why F.H.L. express some brutal apreciations about the memorandum. Political talks at Dej with Vaida Voevod and at Cluj with Aurel Isac. Invited at Arad by Mangra. F.H.L. invites Aurel Mureşianu and his political companions at Deva.

2 september 1894. F.H.L. informes one of the G.T. reporter about one hungarian office worker, Koos.

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