Editions by Boethius (15th-16th century) in the Library of the Brukenthal National Museum in Sibiu
Autor: Olga Şerbănescu
Cuvinte cheie: bibliotecă, Boethius, Consolatio philosophiae, incunabul, carte de sec.XVI
Keywords: library, Boethius, Consolatio philosophiae, Incunabula, 16th century book
Scopul acestei lucrări este prezentarea ediţiilor Boethius din secolele XV-XVI aflate în Biblioteca Brukenthal. Anitius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boethius (475-524), filozof, descendent al unei vechi familii de patricieni romani, pentru o vreme a fost omul de încredere al regelui got Theodoric (474-526), dar fiind acuzat de trădare cade în dizgraţie, fiind întemniţat şi apoi decapitat. În închisoare şi-a scris opera sa cea mai de seamă: „De consolatione Philosophiae”. Biblioteca Brukenthal deţine mai multe ediţii din această lucrare, datând din sec. XV-XIX. Dorim să prezentăm ediţiile din secolele XV şi XVI
The aim of this work is the presentation of the editions by Boethius from the 15th and 16th century that are to be found in the Brukenthal Library. A. M. T. S. Boethius (475-524) was a philosopher descending from an old family of Roman patricians. For a period of time he was the confidential person of the Goth King Theodoric (474-526), but being accused of treason he was banished, put in prison and finally beheaded. While being in prison he wrote his main work: De consolatione Philosophiae. In the Brukenthal Library there are quite many editions of this work printed during the 15th to 19th century. We wanted to draw the attention upon those printed in the 15th and 16th century.