Gândirea social-politica în publicistica lui Mihai Eminescu

The sociopolitical thinking in Eminescu’s publishing

Autor: Petre Din

 Cuvinte cheie: gândirea social-politică, Eminescu, modernizare, forme fără fond, liberalism

Keywords: the sociopolitical thinking, Eminescu, modernization, of forms without forms, of liberalism

Contribuţia lui Mihai Eminescu la dezvoltarea spiritului critic în cultura românească a fost decisivă. În peisajul cultural şi politic al epocii, definit de spiritul pluralist şi de libertatea de expresie, rigoarea şi cultul valorilor promovate de marele poet au contribuit la crearea şi consolidarea României moderne.

Spre deosebire de alţi poeţi, Eminescu a ilustrat în publicistica sa aspecte politice şi naţionale care frământau tânărul stat românesc. Având o solidă concepţie asupra raporturilor dintre clasele sociale şi aspiraţiile de modernizare ale elitei româneşti, poetul se integrează doctrinar fondului ideologic junimist. Dezavuarea formelor fără fond, respingerea liberalismului, a păturii suprapuse, critica statului contractualist modern sunt concepte dezvoltate în presa politică.

Eminescu’s contribution to the development of criticism in the Romanian culture was decisive. In the cultural and political background of that period defined by the publishing spirit and by the freedom of speech, the rigor and cult of values promoted by the great poet contributed to the creation and consolidation of modern Romania. Unlike other poets, Eminescu illustrated in his publishing the political and national aspects that the young Romanian state was facing at that time. Having a strong conception on the relation between the social classes and the aspirations of the Romanian elite to modernization, the poet belong to the illuminist ideological background. The rejection of forms without forms, of liberalism and the opressed social class, the criticism of the modern state are all concepts debated in the political press. Eminescu’s publishing is almost totally focusing on key ideas that suggest that all decision forces desire the progress of the country and of all Romanian people, in the name of truth and justice, strong principles of thinking and existence.