Materiale aparţinând bronzului timpuriu şi debutului bronzului mijlociu din colecţiile Muzeului “Ioan Raica” Sebeş

Materials Belonging to the Early Bronze Age and the Beginning of the Middle Bronze Age in the Collection of Sebeş Museum
Autor: Cristian Ioan Popa

This study presents materials wich date back to the Early Bronze Age and the beginning of the middle bronze age kept in the collection of the Sebeş Museum. The materials result especially from the Sebeş Valley: Lancrăm, Sebeş, Petreşti, Săsciori, or the from Secaş Valley: Răhău, Doştat, Câlnic. One discovery only comes from Braşov.

EBA I. There has been distinguished a set of materials resulting from Petreşti-”Groapa Galbenă” to wich a bitronconic cup Vucedol belongs (pl. i/2), but also materials belonging to the cultural group Livezile or contemporany to it (pl. I/1-4, 6-7). Among them, there have been identified two cups with lobed props wich are rare in Transylvania (pl. I/6-7).

A cup found at Săsciori-”Vârful Măglii” belongs to the Coţofeni Culture, more likely, to the group Livezile (pl. II/1). A specific bowl found at Miercurea Sibiului-”Gară” (pl. II/2) can also be attributed to the group Livezile, wich suggests the extension of the area of this group to east in the territory of Sibiu.

A ceramic fragment from Braşov may be atributed to the Schneckenberg Culture (pl. IV/6).

EBA II belonging discoveries from Doştat-”Coasta Ringhelului” (pl. IV/6), Sebeş-”Ţiglăria lui Weber” (pl. II/3) could approximately be atributed to the cultural group Şoimuş.

EBA III is best represented by the decorated ceramics besenstrich from Sebeş-”Valea Janului” (pl. IV/1-4, 6-7) belonging to the discoveries of the D. Berciu in 1962 wich seem to result from a pit crossing the neolithic stratification. Within the same context, there also has been identified a ritual wheel (pl. IV/5). belonging to the same period there has been found a ceramic fragment decorated with round proeminences (pl. IV/8).

The beginning of the Middle Bronze Age is represented by a ceramic fragment specific to the disoveries Ciomortan in the south-east of Transylvania, and by the bronze pin, already published, from Sebeş-”Podul Pripocului”. These discoveries belong – in the author’s opinion – to a preWietenberg phase

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