Marks from the Action of the United Romanians General Association in Haţeg Vicarage
Autor: Maria-Cristina Ploscă
The General Society of Uniate Romanian was established in the autumn of 1929, at the Convention, held in Blaj in 23-24th of November. This Society beneficiated by the moral and financial support of metropolitan bishop Vasile Suciu and bishop Valeriu Traian Frenţiu.
The first elected president was the lawyer Valeriu Pop and general secretary was Augustin Popa. We mention some important members from this Society such as: prof.. Iuliu Haţieganu, Nicolae Drăgan, Romul Boilă, Alexandru Borza.
Between 1929-1938 were organised ten Conventios in different cities from Transsylvania. In the Haţeg vicary, the Society was organised from 1934. After 1944, the function was reduced and later in 1947 it has been suspended.