Restaurarea ceramicii – ştiinţă, artă, perseverenţă şi un dram de noroc



Centrul de Cercetare şi Restaurare – Conservare a Patrimoniului Cultural,

Complexul Muzeal Naţional „Moldova”, Iaşi

Cuvinte cheie: restaurare, conservare, ceramică, Cucuteni, Scânteia

Keywords: restoration, conservation, pottery, Cucuteni, Scânteia

Vasul globular cu picior suport şi capac a fost descoperit în aşezarea cucuteniană din Scânteia, judeţul Iaşi. Ceramica descoperită în acest sit arheologic face parte din cultura Cucuteni faza A3, integrată în complexul cultural Ariuşd-Cucuteni-Tripolie.

Piesele prezentate în lucrarea de faţă au parcurs următorul flux tehnologic de restaurare: spălare, tratament chimic, neutralizare, uscare, conservare, asamblare, reîntregire prin completări cu ghips, integrare cromatică, conservare finală.

Ceramic Restoration – Science, Art, Perseverance and a Bit of Luck


The globular vessel with mounting foot and lid was found in archaeological excavations in the settlement of Scânteia, in Iaşi County. Pottery found in the archaeological site of Scânteia is part of Cucuteni A3 phase and integrates in the cultural complex Ariuşd – Cucuteni – Tripolye. Archaeological site presents hundreds of pits with ceramic material and several houses.

The vessel has been discovered in the pit 63 and has been reconstituted in two stages. In the first phase there were discovered and have been assembled 137 of fragments and two years later has been recovered another 57 shards, completing the vessel to 90%. The lid, reconstituted from 23 fragments, was discovered in the pit 62. Cover button has been recovered more than two years later, after processing other bags with ceramic material.

The vessels that we speak about follow the usual stages of restoration technological flow: washing under running water, chemical treatment with citric acid 20%, neutralization, drying, preservation with diluted nitrocellulose lacquer, assembling with polyvinyl acetate, shape reconstitution with gypsum mortar fillings, remaking decoration on gypsum additions, final preservation.

The two pieces, globular vessel with mounting foot and lid, are part of the same assembly. In the last few years, these two vessels have been shown in many exhibitions in country and abroad.

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