Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal Sibiu
Cuvinte cheie: Preistorie, arheologie, artefacte, restaurare, ceramică
Keywords: prehistory, archaeology, artifacts, pottery, restoration
Învăluite mult timp în legende şi mituri, începuturile istorice ale omenirii au putut fi cunoscute doar în momentul în care pietrele au început să vorbească – după expresia fericită a lui Boucher de Perths1, unul dintre cei care au pus bazele arheologiei. Un fragment de vas din ceramică, oricărei perioade ar aparţine, nu e un simplu ciob, este o lume ale cărei taine, dacă sunt descifrate corect, pot da preţioase date despre societatea care l-a creat, despre stadiul dezvoltării ei materiale şi spirituale.
1 Dalea 1987, p. 18.
The Restoration of a Few Pots Discovered at Cristian (Sibiu County),
Belonging to Starčevo-Criş Culture
Pottery artifacts surrounded mankind through its evolution, whether they were dishes or ritual items. Clay, a formless material which is at hand anywhere people live it’s easily modeled. After burning, every pot has the qualities people need – it becomes impermeable, more durable, rigid, can be used to storage or to cook using fire thus making food easier to digest. The results of archaeologists and restaurateurs’ work is bringing back to light and stress the importance of material items of a world long gone with the work, the daily life, the spiritual life and the traditions of societies of which we have no other information. History and archaeology with everything they imply are the only connection of contemporary life with the migrations that once swept a territory.