The role orthodoxies in the development national feelings in Transilvania
Autor: Lucian Petru Lăcătuş
Contain The soul culture and Identity Romanians from constituted the church below both orthodox form the greco-catholic.
The church Orthodox and the one Unita am the institutions most importance Romanians from actually Transilvania the in contextually in which national motion will be coordinate of intellectual the former exponents classes mediate. Influence remained to the level community that le pastorate as strong the to the level national motion, because the rural rural society from Transylvania represent the church don’t accruing from the past toward present beside her but somehow mythic, coming directly The God as the expression divine love „So long loved The God world” (Jn. 3. 16)
This the absence profane worldly time, be a feature to Romanians with influential attitude concerning history and events from average surrounding for which lay time from the civilization and culture from sunset don’t presents the value than approximate, hour be result of his sun bell church. Statute faithes peasants from Transylvania express a reality; Kinds which his prevalent in the Christianity in Dacia through anonymous persevering of a work missionaries unattached somehow tensional canonic voidness în Dacia, or where ofdon’t exist too many date as exist south of Danube.
It is the penetration of Christianity into the initial-lower levels of the population towards the social „top” that caused such a feeling for Eastern Christianity in the Romanian environment. Thus the possibility of coexistence of pre-Christian customs of which some became local folk religious traditions which did not bound or cause any form of reaction from the representatives of the Church.
As the Orthodox Church did not have a certain kind of historic militancy it did not make history by using „material” force but by using the living force of the right faith. This Orthodox Church, apparently devoid of power, without a physical concreteness in terms of numbers such as an army or visible nobility, was the formation matrix of Transylvanian Romanians.
Sacredness is gained by perseverant small steps, without outward manifestations such as concrete facts or formal gestures but through a prudent approach meant to avoid conflicts with the other, God or the community. Such reminiscences may be found today in the countryside in such conventional phrases: „Don’t bring shame on me, my child”, „What will the people say?”, „Don’t upset Him for He (God) sees you.”
In the case of Transylvanian Romanians, the religious element overlapped the expression of ethnic, political and cultural identity, Novalis’ phrase that „the church is the abode of history” being proved through the life of Transylvanian Romanians.