Şcoala românească hunedoreană oglindită în paginile ziarului ,,Libertatea” (Orăştie, 1909)

The Romanian school from Hunedoara county reflected in the pages of Libertatea newspaper

Autor: Gherghina Boda

Cuvinte cheie: şcoală, legea Apponyi, comitatul Hunedoara, români, politica şcolară
Keywords: school, Apponyi law, Hunedoara county, Romanians, school politics

Legea Appony, prin prevederile sale a avut atât consecinţe negative, cât şi pozitive pentru naţiunile nemaghiare din cadrul Imperiului austro-ungar. Pentru români, care erau una dintre naţionalităţile cele mai vitregite şi cu cele mai reduse posibilităţi financiare, legea Apponyi a însemnat o lovitură puternică dată şcolilor confesionale, altar al naţionalităţii şi al limbii strămoşeşti. Reacţiile românilor au fost, cu mici excepţii, de luptă şi boicotare a legii.

The Apponyi law, by its provisions, had both positive and negative consequences for non-Hunagarien nations of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. For Romanians, one of the tried nation and with the smaller financial possibilities, the Apponyi law was a strong blow to confessional schools. The reactions of Romanians were, with some exceptions, fighting and boycott.
This law tried to denationalized the other nations of the empire. Forced Maghyarization was the immediate consequence of this law. Romanians were very closely supervised by the Hungarian central and local authorities.
A famous case opposition against this law was the case of Mrs. Ana Vlad, the wife of Deputy Aurel Vlad from Orăştie. Mrs. Ana Vlad was sentenced to one month imprisonment. This whole movement has mobilized Romanian Transylvania and Romania and had a strong resonance in Europe. Until 1911 Romanians lost their 549 schools and 428 teachers.

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