Situl paleolitic de la Cremenea-Poieniţă, judeţul Covasna. O încercare de reinterpretare din perspectivă tehno-tipologică

The Paleolithic site from Cremenea-Poieniţă, Covasna County.

A techno-typological analysis

Autor: Dan Mărgărit, Loredana Niţă

The researches previously carried out in the Paleolithic site from Cremenea – Poieniţă offered a large lithic assemblage qualified as Aurignacian and a much smaller one, thought as belonging to the Gravettian. The paper here presents a techno-typological analysis performed on the lithic collection found in the History Museum of Braşov. Unfortunately, the collection lacks an important part of the initial Aurignacian inventory. Consequently, the outcome of the techno-typological analysis neither confirms nor rejects the cultural framing already proposed; it only succeeds in raising some doubts regarding the Aurignacian designation.

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