O piesă de import descoperită în zona capitalei Regatului Dac

An imported piece discovered in the area of the capital of the Dacian Kingdom

Autor: Bodò Cristina

 This paper discuses a bronze handle discovered in the Grădiştea de Munte area (commune of Orăştioara de Sus, Hunedoara county), specifically at Faţa Cetei. This piece was discovered by the treasure hunters and confiscated by the Police, presently being hosted by the collections of the MCDR Deva, under the inventory number C23.

The handle belonged to a bronze jug, laterally attached on its lip. The bronze is of good quality, with a careful decoration.

The surface of the handle is richly ornamented, the attachment was made using two stylized little birds, then followed a mask, depicting Pan – a bold figure with beard and mustache, visible ears and horns – then a belt formed by several relieved lines, in the center being a silver incrustation shaped as a twist. Underneath, goat legs were depicted, two thyrsos and a pedum, another mask being placed at the connection with the vase’s body, portraying a young, fledgling figure, with curly hair and goat legs.

The representations are inspired from the Dionysos convoy’s world, fact that it’s not surprising at all, knowing the extent of the cult of Dionysos in the Greek Roman world, also taking into account that the divinity and/or the members of his funerary convoy are frequently portrayed in the plastic art.

We suppose that the vase this handle belonged to, dates from the half of the Ist century d.Hr., coming from the workshops from Campania.

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